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What is a Blended Attack

Modern attackers will use any means necessary to target your organisation to achieve their goals, usually the pathway of least resistance.

They will combine cyber, physical, and people vulnerabilities to find a way in.

Toro's video showcases a real life blended attack, starting with a simple LinkedIn connection from a "recruiter."

Watch our video to learn how an attacker might target you and the steps you need to take to protect yourself.

How Can You Tell if Your Security is Effective?

Modern attackers will use any means necessary to target your organisation to achieve their goals, usually the pathway of least resistance.

They will combine cyber, physical, and people vulnerabilities to find a way in. 

A converged approach is your strongest shield. When your cyber, physical, and human security measures operate in isolation, your organisation is left exposed.

Think of your security strategy as a pyramid—cyber, physical, and people are the three sides holding it up. If one side falters, the entire structure is at risk of collapsing.

But how do you ensure all these aspects work together seamlessly?

This video is the first step to helping you build a resilient security posture by integrating your cyber, physical, and human defences.

Tales from the Trenches

Ever wondered how easy it is for hackers to breach an office. In our latest video, we take you inside the thrilling world of penetration testing—where Peter Connolly talks through a real life penetration test.

Today's Criminals Don't Just Break In... They Log In

New technologies are enabling adversaries to develop more sophisticated technologies, resulting in a torrent of attacks.

With the threat landscape constantly changing... nothing is off limits.

How do you keep pace?

Toro's video explains the changing threat landscape and offers advice on how you can best protect both yourself and your organisation.

About Toro

Toro was founded in 2015 by Peter Connolly. Following a career in the military, Peter was asked to create the UK’s first Red Team penetration testing methodology blending ethical hacking, physical intrusion, and social engineering to replicate attacks by SOC (Serious Organised Crime) and Nation States. Peter and his team were tasked with attacking hundreds of businesses from government departments to data centres, banks, and corporate offices to identify their weaknesses.

The Red Team quickly discovered the gaps that were most easy to exploit were because the defenders had a siloed approach to cyber and physical security.

Criminals exploit the path of least resistance, combining cyber threats, physical breaches, and human error but the Red Team found that the defenders were treating each element of security as a stand-alone creating gaps that they could breach. This is where the idea of Toro was born.